Consultancy services in IT INDUSTRY

Financial Technology

Financial Technology, nowadays better known under the term ‘fintech’, describes a business that aims at providing financial services by making use of software and modern technology. Today, fintech companies directly compete with banks in most areas of the financial sector to sell financial services and solutions to customers. Mostly due to regulatory reasons and their internal strucutres, banks still struggle to keep up with fintech startups in terms of innovation speed. Fintechs have realized early that financial services of all kinds including money transfer, lending, investing, payments, e.t.c.

Especially millenials (people born between approx. the early 80s and late 90s) and the following generations prefer quick and easy banking services over walking to a branch, appointments with bank consultants and lenghty processes setting up accounts or putting together a portfolio (as two of hundreds of examples where mobile and digital banking services allow for a more frictionless and stress-free process).

Our services

Consultancy in IT industry

– Consultations to Customers on present and future developments in IT area.
– Consultations and trainings for the employees of the Customer concerning usage of the Software
– Advices and assistance, including but not limited to, the presentation of proposals, negotiations to the customers.
– Collection and analysis of information pertaining thereto.
– Provision of the Software technical support.
– Presentation of the Software updates.
– Elimination of the defects discovered during the Software operation.
– Customer support, during and after Software implementation

Software development

– Software development for companies and start-ups (incl. company`s needs identification, requirements analysis, development, testing, implementation)
– Consultancy on software development (IT security, software analysis, and other)
– Design development
– Deployment and maintenance

Software audit

With our software audit service we provide our clients with an external review of a software to check its quality, progress or adherence to plans, standards and regulations. Our service includes:
– Identifying the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities of the product
– Verifying licensing compliance.
– Monitoring for quality assurance (QA).
– Compliance with industry standards.
– Satisfying legal requirements.
– Blockchain software audit is also available.

Lead generation

Reduce lead response time

Monitor target accounts for windows of opportunity and get ahead of the competition. Alert your sales team via Slack, email, or directly in the CRM, so they react as soon as a lead comes in.

Better lead management

Route leads to your sales reps automatically when relevant changes happen within your target accounts. Trigger automatic workflows across your business systems.

Effective lead segmentation

With strong data, you can effectively identify and group companies based on the attributes that matter to your business.

Inbound marketing is efficient, but if you combine it with outbound marketing, your sales will rocket. This is what we do in our outsourced lead generation agency: we combine all the ways to achieve the desired results and even exceed your expectations. To provide you with top-quality lead generation services, we use the most efficient data search and collection techniques. We search for reliable digital data on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social and professional networks.

SEO complements our online lead generation services. It attracts organic traffic to your website, thus, increases brand awareness and attracts interested users. Valuable content is always something that makes a difference. With it, you can be sure that you attract the right users.

You can use blog posts, landing pages, and any other content types to attract readers. If they find your posts on their own, it means that the information you provide is valuable for them.

You provide valuable information for free; in return, you can ask for some data needed for lead generation. We do it via a special lead gen form that can be filled online. Normally, the person is asked to provide such data as:

Name and Surname (do you remember we have talked about personalized emails? This information is needed to send the person an email addressed to him/her personally)
Email address (to know where to write).
Company name (for B2B).
The role of an individual (to know how you shall address the person and how to build your communication).
Location (for local companies, you might have a standard approach, while for international ones, you might need to develop a new way to communicate).

It is not much in return to a valuable piece of information, and it is not mandatory, either. But this information is valuable for lead gen. With these data, it is possible to approach individuals and businesses and, with time, turn them into clients.

Get in touch today to discuss your next steps to accelerate your sales


10 Anson Road #20-05 International Plaza, Singapore (079903)